reverse threading

the path back is the path forward


ks friday #1

slow dance single jacketi just updated my “about” page on this blogsite.  i wrote the words “15 albums and a bunch of singles and i’m still wondering what i’m doing in this industry.”  truer words were never spoken.  our current world, in all its fantastic technology, has changed everything for recording artists everywhere.  music is not hard to create.  sales are. i have ranted many a time (and even on this blogsite) about this very thing – vastly minimized earnings with the challenge of streaming and burning and grabbing.  but i am a musician.  and, if you are an artist of any sort, you know that you are what you are and that’s the story.

our studio melange (paintings, music, cartoons, books, children’s books, plays) introduces friday as ks kerri sherwood friday…an opportunity to say a few words about a song or piece of music, maybe acquaint you with an album or a track you haven’t yet heard.  something that might resonate with you.  something i recorded in a rainy auditorium 23 years ago (a few people will understand that…carol and the-amazingly-“fine”-ken included.)  something i flew to nashville to record. something i recorded after twenty-three hours in the studio.  something i recorded at yamaha artist services in nyc. something i recorded five days before my wedding.  or maybe something new.

so – in keeping with valentine’s day (and every day) – not to be all geeky-mushy and everything, when IS the last time you slow danced? this song, SLOW DANCE, when it was released as a single from the album AS SURE AS THE SUN climbed a secondary adult contemporary radio chart up to #13.  ASATS copy

for a recording artist, there is nothing like hearing your song on the radio.  except for maybe slow dancing with the love of your life.  yup.  no comparison.

slow dance.  the song.  it seems to speak to people.  and THAT is my work.  what more can i ask for?


SLOW DANCE from the album AS SURE AS THE SUN (track 3)

KS friday

SLOW DANCE from AS SURE AS THE SUN ©️ 2002 kerri sherwood

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dr thursday #1


held in grace:  embraced now – mixed media  48″ x 36″

this.  this feeling.  this painting.

it took my breath away when he painted it.  it takes my breath away now.

sharing studio space with my artist husband has many benefits.  we can interrupt each other with questions or comments or what-the-heck-is-thats or sometimes tears.  i am a great interrupter.  i am from long island; interrupting is an art form there. ask crunch or sue or marc AU.

two rocking chairs in the studio means we can mutually sip coffee (or wine) together while pondering what’s next.  or brainstorm.  or discuss current politics (ugh).  or argue.  or concoct new ideas.  my C5 is upstairs in a different studio, away from paint and acrylic and gesso and scissors and my sewing-machine-induced-scraps and power tools and a sound system that is sometimes cranked up.  a melange.  welcome to DR davidrobinson thursday.

i won’t forget the day i walked downstairs and saw this painting in progress.  the raw emotion is striking and -at once- comforting.

as you head into the weekend and, maybe, your celebration of valentine’s day, i wish for you – in whatever is your own cherished relationship – this feeling. loved. encircled. embraced.  held in grace indeed.



DR thursday

held in grace: embraced now ©️ 2017 david robinson

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two artists tuesday #1

SWEET POTATO copyvery early one cold december morning, a few years ago now, my sweet momma called.  it was early even in eastern time.  but momma had something to say.  she had had a heart event – cardiomyopathy – an event that mimics a heart attack and is dangerous – but is called “the broken heart syndrome”.  my momma’s heart was broken; my dad – her husband of nearly 69 years – had died.

on this pre-dawn phonecall with her she told me she just had one thing to tell me.  “live life, my sweet potato”, she said.

i knew she was fearful.  that was why she called so early.  her message still rings in my ears.

when we were playing with designs as TwoArtistsMakingStuffForHumans this saying found its way onto a sweet-potato-orange field.  later, david purchased it as a framed print for my birthday.  it hangs in a cherished spot as you leave our front door, reminding us – as we go out into the world or as we come back into our home – to live life.

we chose it to be the first of our two artists tuesdays to share in the melange.  not because we hadn’t already shared it.  but because it bears repeating.

thank you, my sweet momma.


two artists tuesday

live life, my sweet potato ©️ 2016 kerri sherwood & david robinson